McClellan, Lila Brown

06/18/1915 - 08/05/1993
Wife of Elmer McClellan. Daughter of David & Rosa Brown. Mother of Charles. Lile was born and raised in Waukeenah. She was a real “Tomboy” in her younger days. She and Verona climbed every tree around and did all the things “tomboys” liked to do. Lila was the best fast ball pitcher on the team. She worked for the State of Florida for 28 years. She owned and operated the Waukeenah Motel for 36 years. She also was a Democrat carrier for a number of years. Lila always worked hard. She loved the church and was involved in many activities at the Waukeenah United Methodist Church. She stayed busy with her family and was an avid FSU fan. She could do most anything from bookwork to changing the oil in an automobile!!