Waukeenah Cemetery Workdays

The Waukeenah Cemetery Work Day was established in 1990 and has been an annual affair since that time. Held in early spring, notice of the work-day date is sent to 132 families with loved ones buried in the cemetery, giving them opportunity to help with the upkeep and enjoy the comradery with other families and volunteers in the community.

Although the desired set-up is to have every plot represented by family member workers, it is not uncommon to see non-family helping out with any areas on the grounds not represented. Being a pre-civil war burial ground, there are many grave plots without living family to provide care. Therefore, generosity of time and money contributions are needed in order to keep the grounds and graves maintained in good condition.

Since contributions are the only source of financial support for routine mowing, weeding, trimming, and tree removals throughout the entire year, the work-day notice also serves as plea for money needed to sustain the upkeep. Anyone desiring to be notified of the work-days or want to contribute to the cemetery upkeep fund can send notice or money to:

Melva Walker
Waukeenah Cemetery Fund
3213 Peter Brown Lane
Monticello, FL 32344